Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Good Morning!!!
It's a beautiful day here in Kona. The oatmeal was exceptionally good this morning and the Lord is so good! In this post I thought I would talk a little bit about what my outreach is going to look like.
There are eight teams in total going out to the nations to spread the love of our Savior; two to Afghanistan, two to Europe, one to China and Japan, one to Haiti, one to Guam and New Zealand, and finally one to the East Coast of America. I will be going to the East Coast with ten other amazing lovers of Jesus. At first I really struggled with the thought of just going to the US but I know that that is exactly where the Lord is calling me. He has been teaching me so much about his heart for America and the hurting people here.
On our outreach we will be going to a number of different states. First Kentucky,then Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and Kansas City. Our primary focus will be on churches and Ivy League schools. A team went last year to pioneer the East Coast and we will be following some what in their footsteps, to watch a video about their journey go to, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQXOyXdb-zU . We will be leading something called Burns. Burns are 24 hour prayer and worship movements to see revival come to this nation. For me this means getting to sing and sing a new song for the Lord of this Universe. Here I have been singing about four hours a day and the Lord has begun a real work in my soul about singing a new song to him. I am so excited to see the ways he is going to move and set hearts freed. Our team is confident in one thing, we serve the God of the Universe and we will see hearts and lives changed in unimaginable ways.
In order to go on this outreach I need six thousand dollars. I need about $2,500 dollars more and I would ask that you would please pray about supporting me. I realize that not everyone is called or in a position to leave there homes and jobs to go out in the nations but this is where the Lord has called me. Please pray about being apart of this movement in our nation to see heaven come to this earth by supporting me and my team.
Thank you for your continual prayer and support in just loving me and sending me little notes or phone calls. God is good all the time! Life here is amazing and beautiful but also extremely stretching for my faith and my devotion to this man Jesus. I love him and my life is devoted completely to him. Sometimes its hard to understand what we are going through here and experiencing, not being here but know that the prayer is so worth it and life giving! I can tell you that after this I will never be the same again. I am my beloveds and he is mine!

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